Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sufiah family turn Blogger. Why?

Tentu kamu masih ingat kontroversi ini kan. Jadi kenapa mereka terpaksa membuat blog? Jawapannya seperti berikut.

As we’ve said a few times now, most of the news in the mainstream press regarding the Yusof family and Sufiah’s childhood is inaccurate, because the editors tend to filter everything we say even when we do agree to do interviews.

If you’d like to know what’s really happening, though, this site is the place to go; we’ll try to update it as often as possible so that everyone stays informed. We’d also like to ask that you spread the word about whenever Sufiah or the family are under discussion online or elsewhere, because it’s good if people know the real facts!

Dan juga membetulkan beberapa salah anggapan dan tomahan kepada keluarga dan anak-anak Yusof.

Tanggapan yang salah disenaraikan oleh Keluarga ini seperti berikut.

Misconception 1:
All the Yusof children were taught via Farooq’s “accelerated learning methods” — a tortuous regime involving studying in the freezing cold, punishments for answering questions incorrectly, and “stretching and breathing exercises”.

Misconception 2:
The Yusof children only became prodigies because they were forced to work unreasonably hard and/or were homeschooled.

Misconception 3:
TV and pop music were banned in the household.

Misconception 4:
The Yusof parents put tremendous pressure on their kids to succeed.

Misconception 5:
Sufiah’s abilities were unique, even within the family.

Untuk mengetahui apakah hujah penangkis kepada tomahan-tomahan di atas sila ke blog keluarga ini. Disini

Walaupun kejadian kes sofiah menjual tubuh benar-benar berlaku, namun pihak-pihak tertentu terutamanya media memanipulasi dan mengambil kesempatan daripada kes ini untuk tujuan keuntungan. Bagaimana pandangan anda,mengenai perkara ini?

1 comment:

  1. memang macam tu la. nak wat macam mana. diorang nak terangkan apa yang salah. biasalah kalau orang cari kesempatan diatas kesusahan..


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